Finances Under Control
Create a budget and view how much is left per category
Input your expenses easily with autocomplete fields
Credit Card
Control your credit card bill to pay it in full
Get rid of debt by spending less than you earn
Review current and projected balances of accounts to avoid overdraft fees watching
save money for what really matters
Adopt a Flexible Budget
Set a detailed budget, with fixed expenses like Rent, recurring expenses like Netflix and spending limits for categories like enterteinment or groceries. After entering an expense the app will show how much is left to spend on each category. If you overspend, move funds between categories to stay on budget.
Control All Accounts
View completed and scheduled transactions, current and projected balance of all accounts in one place - money, bank accounts, credit cards, savings.
Manage Credit Card Bills
Preview the amount of the next credit card will before it is closed. Reserve funds to pay it in full.

Ready to get started?
Pleke is free to manage up to 4 accounts.
Click on one of the buttons below to access the store and install Pleke on your phone!